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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Want to Generate unique Session Name like session code.

Sarathkumar 7 years ago updated by Katarina 3 months ago 9

I Want to Generate unique Session Name like session code. Example : SE001, SE002 ... SE010 instead of Untitled Session.

Katarina 3 months ago

Hey all, we just released a new extension that might help with this! It's called the Support Session Renamer, and it assigns a randomly-generated name to a newly-created support session. It uses two lists ("prefixes" and "names") to construct the support session name. You can also enter your own word lists in the extension settings. 

Try it out and let me know what you think! We've got a bunch of ideas for adding additional features.


Individual clipboard sharing during a shared remote session

jcc 7 months ago 0

We would like to have the possibility to have several hosts connected to the same guest using a remote session to be able to share their clipboards on a one-to-one basis with the guest.

This is kind of the opposite of the current clipboard sharing as described in the "Clipboard sharing during a remote session" article (https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_ScreenConnect_Documentation/Get_started/Host_client/Essentials_menu/Clipboard_sharing_during_a_remote_session).

This new feature would enable a user connected to a remote computer to share his computer clipboard with the remote computer clipboard, without sharing it with other users connected to that same remote computer.

We currently have several users remotely connecting to a specific computer and needing to copy/paste data to/from that remote computer during the day, and these copy/paste actions are interfering with the work of the other users connected to that same computer.

It would be perfect if a given user could copy/paste data from his computer to/from the remote computer, without affecting the contents of the clipboard of the other users's computers also connected to this same remote computer.

I understand that there is only one clipboard on the remote computer and that only one user should be using it at a given time. So an arbitration mechanism may be needed so that only one user can do copy/paste at a given point in time.